May 31st, 2022 Company updates, Events
All GameArt offices hold a sports day for its team members in Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, and Malta.
All GameArt team members ventured out of their offices for the day on a recent Friday to get active in nature. The Slovenia-based team spent the day at the Slovenian coast, kicking off the day with breakfast by the sea in Strunjan followed by a walk on the popular scenic trail to the White Cross (Beli Križ), a hike down to Cresent Moon Bay (Mesečev zaliv), and a swim in the Adriatic Sea. Over the second part of the day, the team enjoyed a barbecue lunch and games, including Matching Duo (where people must find their other half) and ziplining. In Hungary, team members set off on a 10.5km long tour of an old movie scene near Budapest. They walked in and around the replica of Eger Castle (Egri vár) which was built for the historic movie 'Egri csillagok' (Stars of Eger). The Bulgaria team headed out to the Stara Planina Mountain for a hike among high rock formations and waterfalls. Our team member from Italy hiked to the top of Monte Semprevisa, which is the highest mountain in the Latina province (southern Lazio) with an elevation of 1,536 metres. The peak is dedicated to Daniele Nardi, who was a professional mountaineer from Latina (Sezze) who died while climbing Nanga Parbat in 2019. Another team member from Bulgaria sweated it out in a vigorous Kungoo Jumps session, while another in Malta took to the tennis courts for a heated tournament. GameArt had a great time going all out, all game, and all fit during its sports day. Memories live on via its photo album (pictured below).